• 2022-05-30 问题

    下面的检索式书写正确的是? A: A subjterm(1202 or 3304) B: B bay and not fish C: C information w / 2 insturction D: D "play learn*" E: E #1and#3

    下面的检索式书写正确的是? A: A subjterm(1202 or 3304) B: B bay and not fish C: C information w / 2 insturction D: D "play learn*" E: E #1and#3

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    下列检索式描述错误的是 A: subjterm(3304) and "TITLE-ABS-KEY"(learning) B: ①((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ("class participation" or "classroom participation" or "student participation")<br/>②1.((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ((class* w/1 participation) or "student participation")<br/>①和②的检索结果一样。 C: 检索“白血病的诊断和治疗”可输入检索式为 leukemia and (diagnosis or therapy) D: (hig* w/3 (tech * or educat*)or part*) not ( pra* or class) w/9 marxism 检索式正确。

    下列检索式描述错误的是 A: subjterm(3304) and "TITLE-ABS-KEY"(learning) B: ①((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ("class participation" or "classroom participation" or "student participation")<br/>②1.((education* or instructional) w/1 (technique or technology)) and ((class* w/1 participation) or "student participation")<br/>①和②的检索结果一样。 C: 检索“白血病的诊断和治疗”可输入检索式为 leukemia and (diagnosis or therapy) D: (hig* w/3 (tech * or educat*)or part*) not ( pra* or class) w/9 marxism 检索式正确。

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