• 2021-04-14
    Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words given in the box.
    challenge explain luckily spot uniform

    frustrate disappear direct trust panic
    1.Can you _______ the difference between these two pictures?
    2. ________ or unluckily, there is nothing in our lives that does not end sooner or later.
    3. How do you ________ this kind of behavior?
    4. He accepted his friend’s ________ to swim across the river.
    5. Although this can ____________ a reporter, the policy makes sense.
    6. You have choices, so don’t _________ or let fears rule your behavior.
    7. The policeman looks quite smart in his new __________ .
    8. A good marriage is based on ________ .You should not doubt your wife
    9. Quite frankly, I do not have a ________ answer for you
    10. The young people paired off to ________ in the bushes
  • spot
     Luckily  explain  challenge  frustrate  panic  uniform  must  direct  disappear



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      You can arrange to have your new checkbook delivered to you personally. A: arrange for something to be done, or for someone to do something for you B: have something unfortunate happen to you by someone you don't know

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      Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. resolve play favorites connect with barrier take a step beyond effective avoid acknowledge put oneself in someone else's shoes pay attention to 1. If you _______________________, you will not complain about it again. 2. As a public official, you should __________________ your words and behaviors. 3. To be successful in your professional life you should learn how to ________________ your colleagues. 4. Talking about others behind their backs is a ______________ to interpersonal relations. 5.Our government should adopt _____________measures to solve the unemployment problems. 6. When he is in anger, you should ___________ conflicting with him. 7. To demonstrate your sincerity you should __________ apologizing. I guess they need compensation. 8. A fair leader is one who tries to avoid ____________. 9. Can you help me ____________ this technical problem? 10. With so much evidence against him he had to _______________ his error.

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      What should you do if you have to break your company policy?

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      中国大学MOOC: A: Study the following sample activities. Put a Yes in the box if you think the activities meet the criterion. Put a No if you do not think so.Activity One: Work in pairs. Student A: Use the questionnaire below to interview your partner. Take notes on the lines. Student B: Close your book. Listen to your partner’s questions and answer them according to your own situation. Questionnaire(1)How long have you been learning English?__________________(2)When did you begin?___________________________________(3)Where did you begin learning English? _____________________(4)Have you taken any English examinations?__________________(5)Do you speak English outside the class?____________________(6)Are you satisfied with your English?________________________(7)What are the biggest problems in your English?______________(8)Do you use a dictionary? If yes, what kind?__________________(9)Do you enjoy learning English?____________________________(10If so, why? If not, why not?_______________________________Does Activity One has a communicative purpose?

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      Read the statements. Then listen to the radio program again and fill in the blanks. A. When you talk to yourself in a foreign language, you don't have to fee 1)____, because nobody can 2)____ you. B. You can talk to yourself about 3)____ what you had for breakfast, where you are 4)____, anything. C. The more you talk to yourself, the more you will get used to hearing your own 5)____ and your 6)____, so you won't feel so frightened in the classroom. D. You should listen to English as much as possible to get used to 7)____. Listen to 8)____, listen to podcasts, and watch 9)____. E. If you listen to something 10)____, you can often read the tanscript. F. If you listen and read at the same time, it'll help you see what the words 11)____ and how the words sound when a 12)____ is talking. NOW LISTEN AGAIN AND CHECK YOUR ANSWER.