将 The rows of tea trees, the grace of te...园,流连忘返”,使用了什么翻译技巧?(
- 将 The rows of tea trees, the grace of tea girls, and the sound of tea songs send you to the idyllic and pastoral countryside and make you forget to return 译为“郁郁茶园,亭亭茶女,悠悠茶歌,将让你回归田园,流连忘返”,使用了什么翻译技巧?( )
- 将“加我微信好友”译为FriendmeonWeChat,使用了什么翻译技巧
- 将 If you want to kill a snake you must h...,擒贼先擒王”,使用了什么翻译技巧?(
- Is this sentence parallel?The garden boasted a line of fruit trees, several rows of vegetables, and beautiful.
- 将 She washed for a living after her husband died 译为“丈夫去世后,她靠给别人洗衣服维持生活”,使用了什么翻译技巧?( )