注:post hoc ergo propter hoc后事伴前事而来:大多数人都...如,搓木头,交叉手指)的人各自占比多少?
- 注:post hoc ergo propter hoc后事伴前事而来:大多数人都相信只要一件事物伴随著另一件事物而来,两件事物之间必然存在著一种关联,使得后者伴随前者出现(post hoc ergo propter hoc—它在那之后而来,故必然是从此而来)</p> According to our conversation with Richard Wiseman, how many people believe is psychics or mediums, and how many people have superstitious beliefs (e.g., touch wood, cross their fingers), respectively?</p> 根据我们与Richard Wiseman的对话,相信通灵师或巫师,或相信迷信想法(例如,搓木头,交叉手指)的人各自占比多少?</p>
- 推不出谬误源于拉丁语( )。 A: non sequitu B: Post hoc, ergo propter hoc C: ed herring D: argumentum ad ignorantiam
- Question 3In the story, The Adventure of Silver Blaze by Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes made a remark to a fellow detective about the "curious incident" of a watchdog's behavior during the night. The dog had not barked, so the dog must have known the culprit well. What cognitive phenomenon did the great Sherlock Holmes avoid in this example? A: post hoc ergo propter hoc B: base rate neglect C: the confirmation bias D: appeal to authority E: multiple endpoints
- 无线局域网的访问模式有()模式和Infrastructure模式。 A: Ad hoc B: Bd hoc C: Ad hod D: Ac hoc
- 下面对于移动ad hoc网络和无线传感器网络说明不正确的是() A: ad hoc的节点的移动性要强于WSN B: ad hoc和WSN都是无基础设施网 C: WSN的规模一般要比ad hoc更为庞大 D: ad hoc和WSN都是监控感知信息和控制的作用