• 2021-04-14
    【单选题】Different from self-awareness at the subjective or objective level, symbolic self-awareness allows one to ______.
    A. differentiate himself from the physical environment B. be the object of his own attention C. form an abstract representation of the self through language D. avoid the fragility of his own existence
  • form an abstract representation of the self through language


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      A good language teacher should be equipped with( ) A: Pedagogical expertise B: Understanding of learners C: Self awareness D: Understanding of curriculum and materials E: Subject-matter knowledge F: Career advancement

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      What are needed to have intercultural awareness? A: Having an understanding of both your own and other cultures. B: Paying special attention to appreciating the similarities and respecting the differences. C: Understanding that people from different cultures have different values. D: Being willing to embrace diversity.

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      He wants nothing but a house of ______. A: his own B: himself C: his father D: his own house

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      One year after graduation from college, Tony settled ________ and started his own family.

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      He asked no one’s permission; he did it ______ his own account. A: for B: with C: on D: from