• 2021-04-14
    【多选题】A man has genotype A1A2 G1G2. (one each of the A1 and A2 alleles of gene A, one each of the G1 and G2 alleles of gene G ) The A and G loci are on difference chromosomes. What gametes will many meioses produce, in what proportions?
    A. 1/2  A1A2, 1/2  G1G2 B. 1/4  A1A1, 1/4 A1G1,  1/4 A2G1, 1/4 G1G2 C. 1/4 A1, 1/4 A2, 1/4 G1, 1/4 G2 D. 1/4 A1G1, 1/4 A1/G2, 1/4 A2G1, 1/4 A2G2 E. None of the above F. More information is needed