• 2022-06-03 问题

    It is difficult to distinguish the physiological races in morphology, usually relying on ( ) to distinguish them. A: differential hosts B: phenotype C: genotype D: pathogenicity

    It is difficult to distinguish the physiological races in morphology, usually relying on ( ) to distinguish them. A: differential hosts B: phenotype C: genotype D: pathogenicity

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In human, brown eyes (B) is dominant to blue eyes (b). The gene is located on autosome. A couple both with brown eyes has a son with blue eyes. We can know that the genotype of the couple are heterozygotes. A: 正确 B: 错误

    In human, brown eyes (B) is dominant to blue eyes (b). The gene is located on autosome. A couple both with brown eyes has a son with blue eyes. We can know that the genotype of the couple are heterozygotes. A: 正确 B: 错误

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Which of the following is evidence of variation within a population? A: a mutation in a genotype produces a new phenotype of an individual B: a particular species becomes rare in its native habitat C: changes in climate interrupt the life cycle of a native plant D: a genetically modified plant is created in a lab

    Which of the following is evidence of variation within a population? A: a mutation in a genotype produces a new phenotype of an individual B: a particular species becomes rare in its native habitat C: changes in climate interrupt the life cycle of a native plant D: a genetically modified plant is created in a lab

  • 2022-10-25 问题

    一位病人患有丙肝,Genotype 1, 医生计划使用Harvoni治疗,请问什么情况下疗程为12周?() A: 病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,无肝硬化 B: 病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 C: 病人过去使用过干扰素治疗且复发了,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 D: 以上皆不是

    一位病人患有丙肝,Genotype 1, 医生计划使用Harvoni治疗,请问什么情况下疗程为12周?() A: 病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,无肝硬化 B: 病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 C: 病人过去使用过干扰素治疗且复发了,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 D: 以上皆不是

  • 2022-10-25 问题

    一位病人患有丙肝,Genotype 1, 医生计划使用Harvoni治疗,请问什么情况下疗程为12周?() A: A病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,无肝硬化 B: B病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 C: C病人过去使用过干扰素治疗且复发了,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 D: D以上皆不是

    一位病人患有丙肝,Genotype 1, 医生计划使用Harvoni治疗,请问什么情况下疗程为12周?() A: A病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,无肝硬化 B: B病人过去未使用过干扰素治疗,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 C: C病人过去使用过干扰素治疗且复发了,病毒数量少于6百万单位每毫升,有肝硬化 D: D以上皆不是

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【多选题】A man has genotype A1A2 G1G2. (one each of the A1 and A2 alleles of gene A, one each of the G1 and G2 alleles of gene G ) The A and G loci are on difference chromosomes. What gametes will many meioses produce, in what proportions? A. 1/2  A1A2, 1/2  G1G2 B. 1/4  A1A1, 1/4 A1G1,  1/4 A2G1, 1/4 G1G2 C. 1/4 A1, 1/4 A2, 1/4 G1, 1/4 G2 D. 1/4 A1G1, 1/4 A1/G2, 1/4 A2G1, 1/4 A2G2 E. None of the above F. More information is needed

    【多选题】A man has genotype A1A2 G1G2. (one each of the A1 and A2 alleles of gene A, one each of the G1 and G2 alleles of gene G ) The A and G loci are on difference chromosomes. What gametes will many meioses produce, in what proportions? A. 1/2  A1A2, 1/2  G1G2 B. 1/4  A1A1, 1/4 A1G1,  1/4 A2G1, 1/4 G1G2 C. 1/4 A1, 1/4 A2, 1/4 G1, 1/4 G2 D. 1/4 A1G1, 1/4 A1/G2, 1/4 A2G1, 1/4 A2G2 E. None of the above F. More information is needed

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