• 2021-04-14
    A. 让Mentor为自己提供解决问题的具体方案,可以提升对方的成就感 B. 与Mentor谈论生活的琐碎事,为对方减轻工作的负担 C. 有问题时才找Mentor,尽量减少打扰对方工作的次数 D. 为Mentor提供与对方工作相关的新鲜想法,也许能够带来启发
  • 为Mentor提供与对方工作相关的新鲜想法,也许能够带来启发


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      a wise and trusted guide and advisor A: menter B: mentor C: member D: menor

    • 1

      How do you communicate with your mentor? (成名之路 - 为何你必须保持谦逊)

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      The ____________________ shouted at her staff for not finishing their work on time. A: mentor B: parent C: manager

    • 3

      【单选题】影响对方,让对方心服口服的关键是: A. 接近对方 B. 理解对方 C. 讨好对方 D. 团结其他小伙伴

    • 4

      What point does the writer want to make by talking about his mentor, Curt Carlson.