Segment 1: Excellent recommendation ()().
- What makes an excellent business report? A: Accurate content and language B: Clear structure C: Brief content D: Decisive recommendation
- Which one of the following is NOT the intelligent recommendation A: Cross-domain recommendation B: User-based Recommendation C: Context-aware recommendation D: Socialization recommendation
- Which part of the worker honey bee leg is long and flat? A: The first tarsal segment B: The second tarsal segment C: The third tarsal segment D: The fourth tarsal segment
- 某个TCP协议报文segment中ACK=1,Seq=a,ACK No.=b,正常情况下目的主机在收到该数据后的回复segment中Seq=
- 字符串s=“python is an excellent language”,运行s.split()后结果是哪个? A: python is an excellent language B: ‘python’ ‘is’ ‘an’ ‘excellent’ ‘language’ C: [‘python’,‘is’,‘an’, ‘excellent’, ‘language’] D: [‘python’;‘is’;‘an’; ‘excellent’; ‘language’]