When a customer says” I need some time to think about it” the seller says “,Ill go out for a cup of coffee and come back in half an hour.”This strategy is ————
- 30、When a customer says” I need some time to think about it” the seller says “,I'll go out for a cup of coffee and come back in half an hour.”This strategy is ————A、a free trialB、a “no” into a “maybe”C、the saleswoman is not placing them under a lot of pressure.D、The price strategy
- 中国大学MOOC: If the customer says “I need some time to think about it”,what would the better answer of the salesperson ?
- When a woman says she is ready to go out... go out immediately?
- As a matter of fact, when you ________ it, most of what he says doesn’t make sense. A: ) think of B: ) think about C: ) think out D: ) think through
- I will give him half an hour to get there, then I will______ him and go home. A: come around B: come across C: call time on D: lose track of