The one pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.?xml:namespace>
A: resulted from
B: stirred up
C: turned out
D: derived from?xml:namespace>
A: resulted from
B: stirred up
C: turned out
D: derived from?xml:namespace>
- The one pleasure that Einstein ________ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.
- 在声音的数字化过程中,采样频率越高,声音的()越好。?xml:namespace> A: 保真度 B: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />失真度 C: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />噪音 D: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />精度
- 时下流行一首顺口溜“你把我当人看,我就把我当牛干;你把我当牛看,我就什么也不干。”这首顺口溜反映了职工的什么需求( )?xml:namespace> A: 自我实现需求?xml:namespace> B: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />保障或安全需求 C: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />尊重需求 D: <?xml:namespace prefix = spanstyle="font-family />归属和承认的需求
- Tom and John have arrived, but_____students in the class aren’t here yet.?xml:namespace> A: other B: the others?xml:namespace> C: others D: the other?xml:namespace>
- 《白毛女》中黄世仁和杨白劳的理想不同,这表明理想具有( )。 A: <?xml:namespace prefix = span style="font-family />实践性 B: <?xml:namespace prefix = span style="font-family />超前性 C: <?xml:namespace prefix = span style="font-family />时代性 D: <?xml:namespace prefix = span style="font-family />阶级性
- 0
One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a _____ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.?xml:namespace> A: delicate B: considerate C: precise D: sensitive?xml:namespace>
- 1
The play was so boring ______ I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep. ?xml:namespace> A: that B: which C: what D: whether?xml:namespace>
- 2
If a child is brought up in isolation away from human beings, he does not ________ language. ?xml:namespace>
- 3
呼吸困难患者宜取体位是: A: 平卧位?xml:namespace> B: 头低脚高?xml:namespace> C: 侧卧位?xml:namespace> D: 俯卧位?xml:namespace> E: 半坐位?xml:namespace>
- 4
Whatis the Chinese meaning of “pun”??xml:namespace>; A: 夸张?xml:namespace>; B: 拟人?xml:namespace>; C: 双关?xml:namespace>; D: 排比?xml:namespace>;