a strain ellipsoid for rock deformation, the maximum strain axis is
parallel to()
A: the
maximum flattening surface
B: the
maximum tensile surface
C: the
maximum stretching direction of minerals
D: the
maximum shearing surface
- 14.() A: A minimum<br/>15% raise. B: A<br/>minimum 20% raise. C: A<br/>maximum 15% raise. D: A<br/>maximum 20% raise.
- The<br/>long axis of a strain ellipsoid is generally in the same direction as<br/>the strike of tension joints。(<br/>)
- The<br/>baud rate of serial transfer using Mode 0 of 8051 running at 6MHz<br/>clock frequency is() A: fixed<br/>at 256Kbps B: fixed<br/>at 512Kbps C: variable<br/>with maximum with 256Kbps D: variable<br/>with maximum with 512Kbps
- EXW<br/>term indicates the maximum obligations and costs for the buyer and an<br/>actual delivery.(<br/>)
- The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section at failure is()
- 0
When the soil reaches the limit equilibrium state, the location of shear failure surface must be on the maximum shear stress surface( )
- 1
A metal surface illuminated by 8.5×1014 Hz light emits electrons whose maximum energy is 0.52 eV. The same surface illuminated by 12.0×1014 Hz light emits electrons whose maximum energy is 1.97 eV. The work function of the metal is ( B )
- 2
A floating<br/>lookback call option pays off which of the following ( ) A: The amount by<br/>which the final stock price exceeds the minimum stock price B: The amount by<br/>which the maximum stock price exceeds the final stock price C: The amount by<br/>which the strike price exceeds the minimum stock price D: The amount by<br/>which the maximum stock price exceeds the strike price
- 3
Obtain numerical values for the maximum tensile stress (\(\sigma^+_\max\), in MPa) in the beam, and for the coordinates (\( x_\max,\ y_\max, \) in m) where \( \sigma^+_\max \) occurs:<br/>\[ y_\max = \]<br/>\[ x_\max = \]<br/>\[ \sigma^+_\max = \]<br/>______
- 4
Due to the pure bending deformation, the longitudinal ( ) strain varies ( ) from ( ) at the neutral axis to a maximum at the outer fibers of the beam. A: normal; linearly; zero B: shear; nonlinearly; zero C: shear; nonlinearly; zero D: shear; nonlinearly; zero