• 2022-05-31
    Garden’s classification is used in ()
    A: epiphyseal separation
    B: fracture of intertrochanter of femur
    C: intrinsic muscle weakness
    D: fracture of neck of femur
  • D


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      “Brittle fracture”和“Ductile Fracture ”的含义分别是

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      fracture ( )

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      釉质折断是() A: enamel infraction B: crown fracture with pulp exposure C: enamel fracture D: lateral luxation

    • 3

      ‌釉质折断是()‎ A: enamel infraction B: crown fracture with pulp exposure C: enamel fracture D: lateral luxation

    • 4

      Which of the following statements is true about the PKN model and the KGD model? A: PKN model is suitable for the fracture with a long fracture length greater than the fracture height. B: KGD model is suitable for the fracture whose height is far greater than its length. C: The plane assumption of PKN model is the direction of fracture width and height. D: The plane of KGD model is assumed to be joint width and seam length direction.