• 2022-05-31
    Garden’s classification is used in ( )
    A: epiphyseal separation
    B: fracture of intertrochanter of femur
    C: intrinsic muscle weakness
    D: fracture
    of neck of femur
  • D


    • 0

      A 50-year-old man comes after 3 days of fracture of neck of femur. He<br/>should be ideally treated by ( ) A: Hemiarthroplasty B: Hip spica C: Total hip replacement D: Cortical and screw fixation

    • 1

      “Brittle fracture”和“Ductile Fracture ”的含义分别是

    • 2

      fracture ( )

    • 3

      釉质折断是() A: enamel infraction B: crown fracture with pulp exposure C: enamel fracture D: lateral luxation

    • 4

      ‌釉质折断是()‎ A: enamel infraction B: crown fracture with pulp exposure C: enamel fracture D: lateral luxation