• 2022-06-03
    It is difficult to distinguish the physiological races in morphology, usually relying on ( ) to distinguish them.
    A: differential hosts
    B: phenotype
    C: genotype
    D: pathogenicity
  • A


    • 0

      It’s difficult to make exact _____ between all the meanings of a word. A: distinguished B: distinguish C: distinct D: distinctions

    • 1

      /tr/ and / tʃ/ sound similar, so it is not necessary to distinguish them when speaking English.

    • 2

      The principal _________features are stress, length, pitch and intonation, as all of them can be used to distinguish meaning.

    • 3

      He suggested a small but improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it. A: distinct B: difficult C: distinguish D: distant

    • 4
