• 2022-06-11
    Which of the following is NOT true of the alveolar sac
    A: Directly communicates with the alveolar duct
    B: Has an interrupted wall represented by knobs between adjacent alveoli
    C: The space surrounded and opened by many alveoli
    D: Connective tissue fibers encircle the openings of the alveoli
    E: Smooth muscle disappears in this segment
  • B


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      In which of the following locations do coarse crackles mainly occur? A: Bronchiole B: Main bronchus C: Bronchia D: Alveoli E: Terminal bronchioles

    • 1

      Compare<br/>by the ability<br/>of tissue regeneration.Which of the following permutations is true() A: Connective<br/>tissue &gt; nerve cell &gt; liver cell B: Cartilage&gt; epithelium<br/>&gt; glomerular C: Squamous<br/>epithelium &gt; smooth muscle &gt; nerve cells D: Squamous<br/>epithelium &gt; rhabdomyosemite &gt; peripheral nerve fibers

    • 2

      What type of tissue lines the alveoli in the lung A: Simple squamous epithelium B: Simple cuboidal epithelium C: Simple columnar epithelium D: Stratified squamous epithelium E: Pseudostratified epithelium

    • 3

      Which type of tissue binds structures together, provide support and protection? A: epithelial tissue B: muscle tissue C: nervous tissue D: connective tissue

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      Cartilage capsule is ( ) A: loose connective tissue at the surface of cartilage B: dense connective tissue at the surface of cartilage C: space around cartilage cells D: cartilage matrix around cartilage cells E: collagenous fibers around cartilage cells