• 2022-06-14
    17e0c6d1eafec24.pngEveryone has the freedom totheir dreams.
  • pursue


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      A) Because he thinks dreams might be able to tell him many things.[br][/br]B) Because he likes living in dreams.[br][/br]C) Because dreams can always be realized if you study them.[br][/br]D) Because everybody dreams.

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      Do not let anyone steal your dreams, or stop your steps to follow your dreams.

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      The main difference between a dream and an aspiration is_________.( ) A: Dreams are what you have at night but aspirations are always day dreams. B: Dreams are linked to careers and aspirations are linked to lifestyle. C: Dreams are projections but aspirations are projections with the intention to realise them. D: Neither dreams nor aspirations are linked to career orientation. E: Dreams are used in Western psychology while aspirations are used in Chinese psychology.

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      Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work,anything amazing can be ________. A: met B: created C: expected D: practiced

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      已知整型变量a=13和b=6,则!a的值是________,b<<2的值是________ A、1 24 B、0 24 C、1 23 D、0 12