• 2022-06-14
    软件项目管理的“4P”是指 。
    A: people,performance,payoff,product
    B: people,product,performance,process
    C: people,product,process,project
    D: people,process,payoff,product
  • C


    • 0

      Entropy is process product ( )

    • 1

      What will determine that people will continue to use the product A: The product’s own worth. B: The product’s design. C: The product’s advertising. D: The product’s price.

    • 2

      下列不属于营销4P的是()。 A: Product B: People C: Place D: Promotion

    • 3

      It can be inferred from the passage that in artistic creation______. A.product is more important than process B.process is more important than product C.process and product are equally important D.both process and product are unimportant

    • 4

      杰罗姆·麦卡锡认为,市场营销组合的“4P”除了产品(Product)、地点(Place)和促销(Promotion)外,还包括( )。 A: 人员(People) B: 价格(Price) C: 过程(Process) D: 计划(Plan)