• 2022-06-10
    CHECKOUTOPERATORSSupermarket Checkout operators sit at electronic tills and feed in the prices of thecustomer’s goods This is now done by ’scanning’, passing each such item over34. a device that reads the bar-code on it and automatically registers it down in the35. till. They may weigh some products, such as fruit, on scales near the36. tilt. When all the goods will have been scanned, the till provides a total and the37. operators take payment in the cash, by cheque or by credit or debit card. and38. give a till receipt and any more change required. They provide bags, often39. help to pack purchases, and change paper till rolls as being necessary.40. They also make it sure they have enough change, credit card forms, and carrier41. bags. Operators ring a bell or buzzer to summon for a supervisor to help42. with problems, and put notes and cheques into bags for periodic collection.43. They enter their personal details in the till, so that their performance can be44. analysed later. The system offers supermarkets an efficient way of handling with a45. large number of customers purchasing many products and helps to keep checkout queues to a minimum. ()
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