你认为,全球传播语境中的“台湾问题”这一表述,最不理想的翻译的是:________________( )。
A: the Taiwan issue
B: the question of Taiwan
C: the future of Taiwan
D: the topic of Taiwan
A: the Taiwan issue
B: the question of Taiwan
C: the future of Taiwan
D: the topic of Taiwan
- 具备政治意识对外宣翻译工作至关重要,那么我们通过一个时政热词的翻译来看看大家是否具备充分的政治意识。以下关于“台湾问题”的翻译大家觉得哪一个(或哪几个)是符合我国官方及主流媒体说法的呢? A: the Taiwan issue B: the Taiwan problem C: the Taiwan question D: the Taiwan dilemma
- 你认为,全球传播语境中的“祖国统一”这一表述的最佳翻译可以是:_______________( )。 A: national unification B: unification of the motherland C: reunification of the motherland D: unification of mainland China and Taiwan
- 你认为,全球传播语境中的“台湾问题”这一表述,最不理想的翻译的是:________________
- In December 1954, the U.S. government signed a ______ with the Chiang Kaishek regime on Taiwan, committing itself to the defence of Taiwan and Penghu. A: Mutual Defence Treaty B: Taiwan Relation Act C: New Frontier D: peaceful Treaty
- In Taiwan, they’re using _______ or _______ to pay.