A: scanning
B: predicting
C: skimming
D: reading
- 常见的英文阅读理解技巧有哪些? A: skimming B: scanning C: reading for details D: jumping reading
- is an important technique to know what a book is mainly about and how it is organized. A: Skimming B: Scanning C: Pre-reading D: Intensive reading
- 常见的英文阅读理解技巧有哪些? A: skimming B: scanning C: eading for details D: jumping reading
- The teacher should tell the students to use the reading strategy of ______ to read to locate specific information in the text. A: predicting B: scanning C: skimming D: setting the scene
- Scanning in reading can increase our reading ____and enhance our reading ____.
- 0
Skimming and scanning are very ______reading methods in which you glance at a passage to find specific information. A: rapid B: useless C: slow D: interesting
- 1
What is the listening skill which is to listen for the important details you need called? A: Listening for specific information B: skimming C: scanning D: fast reading
- 2
Scanning means reading in a scanning way to search for some __________.
- 3
What is the purpose of asking questions in reading? </p></p>
- 4
在双向链表中删除指针p所指的结点(pre和next,是结点的指针域,pre指向结点的前驱,next指向结点的后继),则需要执行( )。 A: p↑.next:=p↑.pre;p↑.pre:=p; B: p↑.next↑.pre:=p↑.pre;p↑.pre↑.next:=p; C: p↑.pre:=p↑.next;p↑.next=p↑.pre; D: p↑.pre↑.next:=p↑.next;p↑.next↑.pre:=p↑.pre;