• 2022-05-28
    A _______ strategy seeks to increase market share of present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts.
    A: market penetration
    B: forward integration
    C: market development
    D: product development
  • A


    • 0

      Ron and Gail plan to lower Fun-Spot's prices in an effort to encourage customers to stay longer, visit more often, and spend more money during each visit. What type of strategy are Ron and Gail planning? A: market penetration B: market development C: product development D: product adaptation E: diversification

    • 1

      ( )is<br/>useful basis for global market segmentation and target marketing A: Economic System B: Political System C: Stages of market development D: Stages of technology development

    • 2

      Market demand relevant to industry marketing expenditure show infinity, is said to be ( ) A: share potential B: market demand C: market potential D: product potential

    • 3

      At present, the core of China's export market strategy is to achieve a ( ) export market structure。 A: diversified B: centralized C: subdivided D: natural

    • 4

      Decide the market size, product positioning way is ( ) A: Market Type B: Market Size C: Market Structure D: Market Share