• 2022-05-27
    在一个中亚留学生的中文课堂上, 老师请一位塔吉克斯坦的同学起来背课文。这个同学回答:“我不背”。老师说:“这篇课文早都让你们背了,你昨天不是说今天背吗?”经过一番解释才知道原来是没背课文,他想说忘记背课文了,结果说成了不背。Now try to present your case analysis of this communication failure.
  • The student misused the Chinese negative expressions of "没” and "不”。“没”indicates that he probably forget the assignment or he is unable to do the job. However, "不”implies that he is not willing to do this job with a rather rude attitude, which is considered to be very impolite.


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      学生在背课文时出现“卡壳”,老师提示一个词,学生又能流利地背下去。对这一遗忘最适合的解释是()。 A: 痕迹消退说 B: 动机说 C: 线索说 D: 干扰说

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      读课文 完成课后y阅读理解 A: 读课文 B: 背课文 C: 写课文

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