• 2022-05-28
    If you are responding favorably to your customer's claim, the best opening is an apology.
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      The answer ___ a claim letter is easy if you are agreeing to the customer’s request. A: of B: for C: to D: in

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      Do you know how to attract the reader’s attention? A: a. use a question to catch the customer’s attention in the opening paragraph B: b. Focus on the benefits of your product C: c. stress its features from the customer's perspective. D: none

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      4. 你应该做一件值得你尽最大努力的工作。 A: You should do a job that’s worthy of you the best efforts. B: You should do a job that’s worthy of your best effort. C: You should do a job that’s worthy in your best efforts. D: You should do a job that’s worthy of your best efforts.

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      The Language for Making and Responding to an Apology 1. You are going to listen to an instructor talking about making and responding to an apology. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Instructor: An apology is an expression of regret for a mistake, a fault, causing trouble or even pain 1 . It’s good form to make an apology 2 . A prompt(及时的) and proper apology invites forgiveness(原谅). Failure to 3 tends to cause embarrassment, or even argument or hostility(敌意). It’s also decent (得体的) behavior to respond to an apology 4 . To forgive is a virtue(美德). The practice of making an apology is highly appreciated 5 . There’re many ways of making an apology: — Excuse me for 6 . — I’m really sorry for 7 . — I’m terribly sorry to 8 . — I’ m awfully sorry (that) I have 9 . — I apologize for 10 . — I’m afraid I seem to have 11 . — I owe you an apology for 12 . — I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to 13 . — It was really quite unintentional. — I hope you excuse me. There are also many ways of responding to an apology: — That’s (quite) all right. — These things happen; it can’t be helped. — I quite understand. Please don’t worry. — (Oh well.) Not to worry. — No problem. Let’s forget it.

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      What are the basic contents included in a sales letter? A: a. you should catch the reader's attention in the opening paragraph B: b. you should convince the reader of the features and benefits you claim C: c. you should motivate the reader to buy your product D: none