• 2022-06-05
    中国大学MOOC: To sum up, how can the product presenter create an information gap between the customer and the product?
  • Ensure the listener will get not only the product but good service. Find out what kind of demand for the product can be used as a hook. Demonstrate how the product can benefit the listener with evidences.


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      The goal of positioning is to create a clear and positive image about____.( ) A: how a product competes against competitors B: what a product is about C: where consumers can get a product D: when a product will reach the market

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      中国大学MOOC: Besides membership, can you use any other way to persuade the customer to buy your product?

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      What can a presenter choose to do in order to introduce a product to a target customer? A: Demonstrating everything that can benefit the customer. B: Communicating with the customers on something they like or need. C: Getting across the brand new design philosophy to the customer. D: Making sure the customer having experienced the product fully.

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      What can a presenter choose to do in order to introduce a product to the target customer? A: Demonstrating everything that can benefit the customer. B: Communicating with the customers on something they like or need. C: Getting across the brand new design philosophy to the customer. D: Making sure the customer having experienced the product fully.

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      Reading comprehension: It can be implied that _____. A: the consumers had little chance to choose commodities in the past B: the customers knew the product well when they purchase it in the past C: the customer is unwilling to get information about the product before they buy it D: the customers have no access to the product information before they buy it