• 2022-06-06
    Listen to Part 3 of the lecture.[音频]Make notes on the key points in your notebook. Then compare your notes with another student. Have you identified the same key points?
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      The key to an effective presentation is to state your points clearly and __________ each of your points at the end of your presentation.

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      What are you suggested to do after lectures? A: Talk to your fellow students about what they picked up as the key<br/>points; B: Think about the strategies that have previously worked for you; C: Review your lecture notes; D: Engage in active listening and appropriate note-taking; E: Find out anything you didn't understand.<br/>C E)

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      &#91;音频&#93;Use your notes to complete the statements below.According to the principle of individual rights, you have the right to__________. A: do what is best for yourself B: make other people do things C: make your own decisions

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      &#91;音频&#93;Please note down the passage, and type your answer in the blank. You cannot picture your notes here.

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      Watch the video of the text again and again, and take notes on your notebook at the same time, then take photos of your notes and put them up here.