• 2022-06-06
    The items being compared or contrasted must be from____________. In other words, theyshould be ___________.
  • the same category# comparable


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      The pharmacy is ___________ the museum. In other words, the museum is across from the pharmacy.

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      Ethnocentrism” is the tendency to think of ones own culture as being at the centre of the world in other words, to assume that his own culture s way of thinking and acting is more natural, normal and correct the way people from other cultures think and act.

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      In the English language there are quite a number of words known as "loanwords"(外来语)or "borrowings." In other words, they ______. (derive from)

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      In the English language there are quite a number of words known as "loanwords"(外来语)or "borrowings." In other words, they _______ from other languages. A: arrive B: receive C: perceive D: derive

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      The other one fifth is made up partly of borrowed words and partly of three other kinds of words: words from the names of peoples and places; imitative words; and invented words. A: root B: similar C: original D: reproducing closely