• 2022-06-18
    The sources of blood glucose include
    A: supply directly by breakdown of muscle glycogen
    B: supply directly by breakdown of liver glycogen
    C: produced by gluconeogenic pathway
    D: digestion and absorption of food
  • B,C,D


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      如果压力供给停止,则取消测试。 A: If the pressure supply stops, cancel the test. B: If there is a breakdown in the pressure supply, cancel the test.

    • 1

      When fatty acids are readily available as fuels, their breakdown in liver mitochondria yields acetyl-CoA, a signal that further oxidation of glucose for fuel is not necessary.

    • 2

      after digestion and absorption of food fats, the resembled lipids in intestinal mucosal cells need ( ) to transport to blood, then to liver.

    • 3

      Which of the following occurs in the small intestine? A: The first stage of starch breakdown B: The initial breakdown of proteins into peptides C: Fat absorption D: Vitamins production by bacteria

    • 4

      The breakdown of large molecules to smaller ones is called________. A: Respiration B: Anabolism C: Catabolism D: Absorption