• 2021-04-14 问题

    细胞质泵动学说 ( cytoplasmic pumping theory )

    细胞质泵动学说 ( cytoplasmic pumping theory )

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Choose the correct sentence below. A: First nuclear division, then cytoplasmic Division B: First, the cytoplasm is divided, then the nucleus is divided C: Simultaneous nuclear and cytoplasmic Division D: Only nuclear division

    Choose the correct sentence below. A: First nuclear division, then cytoplasmic Division B: First, the cytoplasm is divided, then the nucleus is divided C: Simultaneous nuclear and cytoplasmic Division D: Only nuclear division

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which words have different meaning as extranuclear inheritance: ( ) A: Mendelian inheritance B: extra-chromosomal inheritance C: maternal inheritance D: cytoplasmic inheritance

    Which words have different meaning as extranuclear inheritance: ( ) A: Mendelian inheritance B: extra-chromosomal inheritance C: maternal inheritance D: cytoplasmic inheritance

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    Immature thymocytes (DN developing T cells) share what surface proteins with germ cells <br/>and neural crest cells? A: the C-Kit receptor B: class II MHC molecules C: B7 D: the cytoplasmic signaling peptides (ζ, ε, etc.) of the CD3 E: CD8 and CD4

    Immature thymocytes (DN developing T cells) share what surface proteins with germ cells <br/>and neural crest cells? A: the C-Kit receptor B: class II MHC molecules C: B7 D: the cytoplasmic signaling peptides (ζ, ε, etc.) of the CD3 E: CD8 and CD4

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Which function is not a tight junction? A: The mechanical action of tightly integrating epithelial cells. B: It determines the direction of material transport. C: To limit the free diffusion of larger molecules at the top and base side of the epithelium cytoplasmic membrane. D: It mediates cellular interactions that are regulated by calcium ions.

    Which function is not a tight junction? A: The mechanical action of tightly integrating epithelial cells. B: It determines the direction of material transport. C: To limit the free diffusion of larger molecules at the top and base side of the epithelium cytoplasmic membrane. D: It mediates cellular interactions that are regulated by calcium ions.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    关于桥粒连接,下列叙述中哪项是错误的 A: 是细胞间一种紧密连接结构,有强的抗张和抗压作用 B: 在上皮细胞位于粘着带下方,相邻细胞间有30nm的间隙 C: 桥粒区胞质面有盘状致密的粘着斑(adhesion plaque) D: 跨膜连接糖蛋白附于胞质斑(cytoplasmic plaque)上

    关于桥粒连接,下列叙述中哪项是错误的 A: 是细胞间一种紧密连接结构,有强的抗张和抗压作用 B: 在上皮细胞位于粘着带下方,相邻细胞间有30nm的间隙 C: 桥粒区胞质面有盘状致密的粘着斑(adhesion plaque) D: 跨膜连接糖蛋白附于胞质斑(cytoplasmic plaque)上

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