• 2022-06-18 问题

    1981 年,美国卡内基-梅隆大学的Takeo KanadeÀ设计开发出世界上第一个(),由一系列直驱关节构成,并由直流电机驱动,且每个关节都安装有光学编码器测量关节角度和速度。 A: 平面关节机器人 B: 直接驱动<br/>机器人手臂(Direct-Drive Arms) C: 电驱动机械手 D: 液压驱动机械手

    1981 年,美国卡内基-梅隆大学的Takeo KanadeÀ设计开发出世界上第一个(),由一系列直驱关节构成,并由直流电机驱动,且每个关节都安装有光学编码器测量关节角度和速度。 A: 平面关节机器人 B: 直接驱动<br/>机器人手臂(Direct-Drive Arms) C: 电驱动机械手 D: 液压驱动机械手

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Even if you’re not a hard-core Greenie, there are small acts you can take every day to save both the earth and your 1 . Going DIY with cleaning products is a good way to start. You can use 2 at home that won’t cost you any extra money–and that work just as well as the store-bought stuff. Vinegar cuts grease on stove tops and oven doors, and can even whiten your 3 and remove stains from clothes. In the kitchen, going green can save you money and keep you 4 . Cooking at home can cut down the cost of eating out, as well as the takeo

    Even if you’re not a hard-core Greenie, there are small acts you can take every day to save both the earth and your 1 . Going DIY with cleaning products is a good way to start. You can use 2 at home that won’t cost you any extra money–and that work just as well as the store-bought stuff. Vinegar cuts grease on stove tops and oven doors, and can even whiten your 3 and remove stains from clothes. In the kitchen, going green can save you money and keep you 4 . Cooking at home can cut down the cost of eating out, as well as the takeo

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