• 2022-06-06 问题

    Acupuncture is a type of ______ that stimulates certain locations or ______ of the body by manipulating needles or other similar instrument.

    Acupuncture is a type of ______ that stimulates certain locations or ______ of the body by manipulating needles or other similar instrument.

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    She _______ her sister in appearance but not in character. A: intimates B: imitates C: resembles D: stimulates

    She _______ her sister in appearance but not in character. A: intimates B: imitates C: resembles D: stimulates

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    When food enters the stomach(胃), its presence stimulates(刺激) nerves(神经), sending signals to centers in the brain(大脑中枢).

    When food enters the stomach(胃), its presence stimulates(刺激) nerves(神经), sending signals to centers in the brain(大脑中枢).

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Linda is a good teacher; she always () our memory when we can't remember. A: arouses B: refreshes C: wakes D: stimulates

    Linda is a good teacher; she always () our memory when we can't remember. A: arouses B: refreshes C: wakes D: stimulates

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The chairs and tables are arranged in a way that(). A: stimulates students B: teachers can easily monitor the class C: facilitates students’ participation D: makes the lesson easier to comprehend

    The chairs and tables are arranged in a way that(). A: stimulates students B: teachers can easily monitor the class C: facilitates students’ participation D: makes the lesson easier to comprehend

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    中国大学MOOC: In supermarkets, visual display merchandising means merchandise sales using product design, selection, packaging, pricing, and display that stimulates consumers to spend more.

    中国大学MOOC: In supermarkets, visual display merchandising means merchandise sales using product design, selection, packaging, pricing, and display that stimulates consumers to spend more.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In supermarkets, visual display merchandising means merchandise sales using product design, selection, packaging, pricing, and display that stimulates consumers to spend more. A: 正确 B: 错误

    In supermarkets, visual display merchandising means merchandise sales using product design, selection, packaging, pricing, and display that stimulates consumers to spend more. A: 正确 B: 错误

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    Financial innovation and financial regulation affect and promote each other. The specific manifestation is that financial regulation stimulates financial innovation, and financial innovation increases the difficulty of regulation and promotes the development of regulation.

    Financial innovation and financial regulation affect and promote each other. The specific manifestation is that financial regulation stimulates financial innovation, and financial innovation increases the difficulty of regulation and promotes the development of regulation.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Tachycardia is more common observed in phentolamine than prazosin because the former A: has some M-agonist action B: has some β1-agonist action C: blocks postsynaptic α₂-receptors D: blocks presynaptic α₂-receptors E: stimulates heart directly

    Tachycardia is more common observed in phentolamine than prazosin because the former A: has some M-agonist action B: has some β1-agonist action C: blocks postsynaptic α₂-receptors D: blocks presynaptic α₂-receptors E: stimulates heart directly

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Multiple-Choice Question<br/>Why does exercise promote creativity? (you may pick more than one)<br/>爲什麽運動可以促進創意?(可以多選) A: Exercise stimulates the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus. 運動促進海馬區腦細胞生長。 B: Exercise enlarges the size of one's hippocampus. 運動促使海馬區變大。 C: One will have better memory after exercise. 運動後記憶力會提高。 D: Fewer brain cells survive after exercise. 運動後更少的腦細胞會存活下來。

    Multiple-Choice Question<br/>Why does exercise promote creativity? (you may pick more than one)<br/>爲什麽運動可以促進創意?(可以多選) A: Exercise stimulates the growth of brain cells in the hippocampus. 運動促進海馬區腦細胞生長。 B: Exercise enlarges the size of one's hippocampus. 運動促使海馬區變大。 C: One will have better memory after exercise. 運動後記憶力會提高。 D: Fewer brain cells survive after exercise. 運動後更少的腦細胞會存活下來。

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