• 2021-04-14
    When food enters the stomach(胃), its presence stimulates(刺激) nerves(神经), sending signals to centers in the brain(大脑中枢).
  • 当食物进入胃里后,由于它的存在而刺激了神经,从而向大脑中枢发出信号。


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      Interpersonal communication is about reading the signals we send each other and recognizing what signals we are sending out.( ) A: 对 B: 错

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      下面关于人内传播的过程与结构顺序正确的是: A: 感受刺激-大脑活动-神经传导-肌体反应 B: 神经传导-感受刺激-大脑活动-肌体反应 C: 大脑活动-神经传导-感受刺激-肌体反应 D: 感受刺激-神经传导-大脑活动-肌体反应

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      脑中的情绪中枢即情绪总管是? 杏仁核|海马|大脑皮质|大脑额叶

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      If your computer enters its GUI, you must use the mouse.

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      When nurses go into the hospital ward, ______. A: they answer a call with locator badges B: the wireless system begins to function C: staff can watch them through a wall unit D: infrared signals can detect their presence