• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Geostationary satellites are the man-made satellites which . A: are always fixed in the regular position B: sometimes move with the earth C: are synchronizing with the movement of the earth D: can not fly off from the ground

    Geostationary satellites are the man-made satellites which . A: are always fixed in the regular position B: sometimes move with the earth C: are synchronizing with the movement of the earth D: can not fly off from the ground

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following benefits is expected when implementing collaborative supply chain management?( ) A: A. Maximizing the performance of the firm B: Reducing the number of competitors C: Increasing scope of operations D: Synchronizing supply and demand

    Which of the following benefits is expected when implementing collaborative supply chain management?( ) A: A. Maximizing the performance of the firm B: Reducing the number of competitors C: Increasing scope of operations D: Synchronizing supply and demand

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In the _____ method for synchronizing the operation of the CPU with an I/O device, a large block of data can be passed from an I/O device to memory directly. A: isolated I/O B: DMA C: interrupt-driven I/O D: programmed I/O

    In the _____ method for synchronizing the operation of the CPU with an I/O device, a large block of data can be passed from an I/O device to memory directly. A: isolated I/O B: DMA C: interrupt-driven I/O D: programmed I/O

  • 2022-07-01 问题

    在数字通信中,关于数据编码方案,下列叙述正确的是( )。 A: 编码分为单极性(Unipolar)编码和双极性(Bipolar)编码两大类,单极性编码使用一个电平,双极性编码,采用两个电压值。 B: 归零编码指的是在一个码元的时间宽度内,电平不是保持恒定,而是要进行跳变,以避免长1和长0导致的直流分量。 C: 曼彻斯特编码是一种用信号的变化来保证发送设备和接收设备之间保持同步的编码方案,又称自同步码(Self -Synchronizing Code)。 D: 差分曼彻斯特编码方案,它用电平的跳变是发生在一个码元(比特)时间的开始还是结束来表示0和1。

    在数字通信中,关于数据编码方案,下列叙述正确的是( )。 A: 编码分为单极性(Unipolar)编码和双极性(Bipolar)编码两大类,单极性编码使用一个电平,双极性编码,采用两个电压值。 B: 归零编码指的是在一个码元的时间宽度内,电平不是保持恒定,而是要进行跳变,以避免长1和长0导致的直流分量。 C: 曼彻斯特编码是一种用信号的变化来保证发送设备和接收设备之间保持同步的编码方案,又称自同步码(Self -Synchronizing Code)。 D: 差分曼彻斯特编码方案,它用电平的跳变是发生在一个码元(比特)时间的开始还是结束来表示0和1。

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