• 2022-06-10 问题

    Traditional societies are highly inventive in terms of technology.

    Traditional societies are highly inventive in terms of technology.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    "The Metaphysical Poets" refer to the loose group of 17th-century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of ( )

    "The Metaphysical Poets" refer to the loose group of 17th-century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of ( )

  • 2022-06-10 问题

    "The Metaphysical Poets" refer to the loose group of 17th-century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of ( ). A: symbols B: conceit C: metaphor D: imagination

    "The Metaphysical Poets" refer to the loose group of 17th-century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of ( ). A: symbols B: conceit C: metaphor D: imagination

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to ______. A: take better of schoolchildren B: help schoolchildren in their studies C: stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions D: pay more attention to schoolchildren' s inventive power

    The writer seems to be encouraging the British industry to ______. A: take better of schoolchildren B: help schoolchildren in their studies C: stop asking schoolchildren for suggestions D: pay more attention to schoolchildren' s inventive power

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    “发明问题解决理论”——TRIZ(The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)为人们提供了一套全新的创新理论,揭开了人类创新发明史的新篇章。TRIZ 是苏联发明家根里奇·阿奇舒勒(G. S. Altshuller)带领一批学者从( )开始,经过 50 多年对世界上 250 多万件专利文献加以搜集、研究、整理、归纳、提炼,建立的一整套系统化、实用性的解决发明问题的理论、方法和体系。

    “发明问题解决理论”——TRIZ(The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)为人们提供了一套全新的创新理论,揭开了人类创新发明史的新篇章。TRIZ 是苏联发明家根里奇·阿奇舒勒(G. S. Altshuller)带领一批学者从( )开始,经过 50 多年对世界上 250 多万件专利文献加以搜集、研究、整理、归纳、提炼,建立的一整套系统化、实用性的解决发明问题的理论、方法和体系。

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