中国大学MOOC: 关于感知机(perceptron),下列说法错误的是
中国大学MOOC: 关于感知机(perceptron),下列说法错误的是
In perceptron, weights are adjusted by learning so that the network can get the desired output for any input.
In perceptron, weights are adjusted by learning so that the network can get the desired output for any input.
中国大学MOOC: 下面对感知机网络(Perceptron Networks)描述不正确的是( )
中国大学MOOC: 下面对感知机网络(Perceptron Networks)描述不正确的是( )
如果增加多层感知机(Multilayer Perceptron)的隐层层数,测试集的分类错误会减小。
如果增加多层感知机(Multilayer Perceptron)的隐层层数,测试集的分类错误会减小。
属于重要的人工神经网络包括( ) A: 反向传递(Back Propagation) B: 感知器神经网络(Perceptron Neural Network) C: 循环神经网络(RNN) D: Hopfield网络
属于重要的人工神经网络包括( ) A: 反向传递(Back Propagation) B: 感知器神经网络(Perceptron Neural Network) C: 循环神经网络(RNN) D: Hopfield网络
Select the following true algorithms (methods) which have been invented in machine learning? A: Abstraction B: AdaBoost C: Decision Tree D: Generalization E: Perceptron F: Random Forests
Select the following true algorithms (methods) which have been invented in machine learning? A: Abstraction B: AdaBoost C: Decision Tree D: Generalization E: Perceptron F: Random Forests
以下哪些算法是分类算法? A: BayesNet B: Multilayer Perceptron C: SMO D: J48 E: RandomTree F: LinearRegression G: PaceRegression H: SimpleKMeans I: DBSCAN J: EM
以下哪些算法是分类算法? A: BayesNet B: Multilayer Perceptron C: SMO D: J48 E: RandomTree F: LinearRegression G: PaceRegression H: SimpleKMeans I: DBSCAN J: EM
Which<br/>of the following options is not a major milestone in the field of<br/>artificial intelligence ____? A: AlphaGo<br/>beat legendary go player Lee Sedol B: Frank<br/>Rosenblatt created the perceptron C: Jeffrey<br/>Hinton liberated the deep neural network D: AI recognizes dogs
Which<br/>of the following options is not a major milestone in the field of<br/>artificial intelligence ____? A: AlphaGo<br/>beat legendary go player Lee Sedol B: Frank<br/>Rosenblatt created the perceptron C: Jeffrey<br/>Hinton liberated the deep neural network D: AI recognizes dogs
下面对感知机(Perceptron)描述不正确的是( )。 A: 感知机具有一层隐藏层 B: 感知机没有隐藏层 C: 感知机不能拟合复杂数据 D: 感知机是一种特殊的前馈神经网络
下面对感知机(Perceptron)描述不正确的是( )。 A: 感知机具有一层隐藏层 B: 感知机没有隐藏层 C: 感知机不能拟合复杂数据 D: 感知机是一种特殊的前馈神经网络