• 2022-05-27 问题

    Which of the following is not the muscle of shoulder? ___ A: Pectoralis major B: Deltoid C: Supraspinatus D: Teres minor

    Which of the following is not the muscle of shoulder? ___ A: Pectoralis major B: Deltoid C: Supraspinatus D: Teres minor

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    Which one belongs to muscles of head and neck? () A: trapezius B: sternocleidomastoid C: latissimus<br/>dorsi D: Pectoralis<br/>major E: Diaphragm

    Which one belongs to muscles of head and neck? () A: trapezius B: sternocleidomastoid C: latissimus<br/>dorsi D: Pectoralis<br/>major E: Diaphragm

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    The muscles taking<br/>part in normal inspiration include A: diaphragm and intercostales<br/>externi. B: diaphragm and intercostales interni. C: intercostales externi and intercostales<br/>interni. D: diaphragm and pectoralis<br/>major.

    The muscles taking<br/>part in normal inspiration include A: diaphragm and intercostales<br/>externi. B: diaphragm and intercostales interni. C: intercostales externi and intercostales<br/>interni. D: diaphragm and pectoralis<br/>major.

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