• 2022-06-11
    The muscles taking
    part in normal inspiration include
    A: diaphragm and intercostales
    B: diaphragm and intercostales interni.
    C: intercostales externi and intercostales
    D: diaphragm and pectoralis
  • A


    • 0

      The spleen ( ) A: It is the extraperitoneal organ B: It is located in the right quaternary costal region C: Its long axis is consistent with the costal arch D: Diaphragmatic surface and diaphragm of the spleen.Diaphragmatic colon<br/>ligament contact

    • 1

      Determine<br/>whether the following argument is valid or not. “Every computer<br/>science major takes discrete mathematics. Natasha is taking discrete<br/>mathematics. Therefore, Natasha is a computer science major.” ( ) A: valid B: invalid

    • 2

      B) Think twice before taking action.[br][/br] [br][/br]Part III. Reading comprehension

    • 3

      "appendio-" means A: diaphragm B: electrolyte C: exocrine D: appendix

    • 4

      Which of the following muscles contract(s) during quiet expiration A: Diaphragm B: Internal intercostals C: External intercostals D: None of the above E: All of the above