• 2022-06-11
    Which one belongs to muscles of head and neck? ()
    A: trapezius
    B: sternocleidomastoid
    C: latissimus
    D: Pectoralis
    E: Diaphragm
  • C


    • 0

      About the endocrine glands, which one is (())<br/>? () A: Endocrine glands are ductless glands B: There are nine major endocrine glands and several other organs C: Based on the function, endocrine glands can be divided into two types D: Adrenal glands belongs to the mixed glands

    • 1

      Which one belongs to China’s four major cuisines?( ) A: Jilin cuisine B: Jiangsu cuisine C: Hunan cuisine D: Zhejiang cuisine

    • 2

      Which of the following muscles contract(s) during quiet expiration A: Diaphragm B: Internal intercostals C: External intercostals D: None of the above E: All of the above

    • 3

      Which<br/>of the following belongs to "rich medium"? () A: web B: face-to-face<br/>meeting C: email D: telephone<br/>meeting

    • 4

      I<br/>____ artistic theory(艺术学理论). A: major B: major<br/>at C: major<br/>in D: major<br/>on