• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-17 问题

    联想品牌名LENOVO中的NOVO有( )意思。 A: 进取 B: 创新 C: 伟大 D: 传奇

    联想品牌名LENOVO中的NOVO有( )意思。 A: 进取 B: 创新 C: 伟大 D: 传奇

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Principal indications for prenatal diagnosis by invasive testing: A: Previous child with a de novo chromosome abnormality B: Presence of structural chromosome abnormality in one of the parents C: Family history of an X-linked disorder D: Risk of a neural tube defect

    Principal indications for prenatal diagnosis by invasive testing: A: Previous child with a de novo chromosome abnormality B: Presence of structural chromosome abnormality in one of the parents C: Family history of an X-linked disorder D: Risk of a neural tube defect

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    基因组的de novo 测序也叫从头测序,是指在不依赖任何参考序列的情况下对某一物种进行基因组测序及拼接,从而绘制该物种的全基因组序列图谱。

    基因组的de novo 测序也叫从头测序,是指在不依赖任何参考序列的情况下对某一物种进行基因组测序及拼接,从而绘制该物种的全基因组序列图谱。

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    下图所示的新基因起源机制是哪一种? What is the mechanism of new gene origination described by the figure below?[img=288x118]1803a11743f8e21.png[/img] A: 逆转录转座 Retrotransposition B: 从头起源 De novo origination C: 外显子/结构域重排 exon/domain shuffling D: 基因水平转移 Lateral gene transfer

    下图所示的新基因起源机制是哪一种? What is the mechanism of new gene origination described by the figure below?[img=288x118]1803a11743f8e21.png[/img] A: 逆转录转座 Retrotransposition B: 从头起源 De novo origination C: 外显子/结构域重排 exon/domain shuffling D: 基因水平转移 Lateral gene transfer

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