• 2022-06-03 问题

    To ensure delivering a healthy fetus, the more prenatal ultrasound<br/>examinations pregnant woman has, the better.(<br/>)

    To ensure delivering a healthy fetus, the more prenatal ultrasound<br/>examinations pregnant woman has, the better.(<br/>)

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    COMPREHENSION QUESTION 4.3.1Why do we need to be cautious about the conclusion that post-natal nutrition programs are more effective than prenatal nutrition programs? A: There aren't many post-natal nutrition studies B: There aren't many prenatal nutrition studies C: It is hard to measure outcomes of nutrition D: All of the above

    COMPREHENSION QUESTION 4.3.1Why do we need to be cautious about the conclusion that post-natal nutrition programs are more effective than prenatal nutrition programs? A: There aren't many post-natal nutrition studies B: There aren't many prenatal nutrition studies C: It is hard to measure outcomes of nutrition D: All of the above

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    Gene Diagnosis can be applied to ( ) A: Inherited diseases B: Infective diseases C: Tumors D: Prenatal genetic testing E: terrible burns

    Gene Diagnosis can be applied to ( ) A: Inherited diseases B: Infective diseases C: Tumors D: Prenatal genetic testing E: terrible burns

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    The application scope of ultrasonic technology in obstetrics are() A: prenatal diagnosis of fetal malformations B: genetic ultrasound C: intrauterine management of high-risk pregnancy D: interventional ultrasound and intrauterine therapy

    The application scope of ultrasonic technology in obstetrics are() A: prenatal diagnosis of fetal malformations B: genetic ultrasound C: intrauterine management of high-risk pregnancy D: interventional ultrasound and intrauterine therapy

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Principal indications for prenatal diagnosis by invasive testing: A: Previous child with a de novo chromosome abnormality B: Presence of structural chromosome abnormality in one of the parents C: Family history of an X-linked disorder D: Risk of a neural tube defect

    Principal indications for prenatal diagnosis by invasive testing: A: Previous child with a de novo chromosome abnormality B: Presence of structural chromosome abnormality in one of the parents C: Family history of an X-linked disorder D: Risk of a neural tube defect

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Prenatal ultrasound is usually performed for five times. They are<br/>( ). A: ultrasonography during early pregnancy (6-8 weeks pregnant) B: ultrasonography at 11-14 weeks pregnant C: ultrasonography at 20-24 weeks pregnant D: ultrasonography at 28-32 weeks pregnant, preclinical ultrasonography

    Prenatal ultrasound is usually performed for five times. They are<br/>( ). A: ultrasonography during early pregnancy (6-8 weeks pregnant) B: ultrasonography at 11-14 weeks pregnant C: ultrasonography at 20-24 weeks pregnant D: ultrasonography at 28-32 weeks pregnant, preclinical ultrasonography

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    以下哪一项不是非侵入性产前筛查(Non-invasive prenatal testing,NIPT)技术临床应用中较常受到关注的伦理问题? A: 信息过度与敏感信息 B: NIPT的成本效果分析 C: 知情同意的偏失 D: 商对客(B2C)模式的隐忧 E: 选择性流产

    以下哪一项不是非侵入性产前筛查(Non-invasive prenatal testing,NIPT)技术临床应用中较常受到关注的伦理问题? A: 信息过度与敏感信息 B: NIPT的成本效果分析 C: 知情同意的偏失 D: 商对客(B2C)模式的隐忧 E: 选择性流产

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