• 2021-04-14 问题

    .According to Mark Wiseman, investing money is a ________ business. 对Mark Wiseman而言,投资是一个_________行业。

    .According to Mark Wiseman, investing money is a ________ business. 对Mark Wiseman而言,投资是一个_________行业。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    .According to Mark Wiseman, as an investor, it doesn’t matter what GDP growth was last quarter. Mark Wiseman认为,作为一个投资者,上个季度的GDP增长率高低其实没那么重要。

    .According to Mark Wiseman, as an investor, it doesn’t matter what GDP growth was last quarter. Mark Wiseman认为,作为一个投资者,上个季度的GDP增长率高低其实没那么重要。

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    62.I have committed the management of the branch to Mr. S. Wiseman, a gentleman on whose zeal, ability and integrity I place the utmost reliance.

    62.I have committed the management of the branch to Mr. S. Wiseman, a gentleman on whose zeal, ability and integrity I place the utmost reliance.

  • 2022-07-29 问题

    理查德·怀斯曼(Richard Wiseman)(1966--),爱丁堡大学心理学博士,现在是英国赫特福德大学教授、被称为“英国大众传播心理学的第一教授”。请问,他在从事学术研究之前,主要从事了什么工作? A: 销售员 B: 作家 C: 培训讲师 D: 魔术师

    理查德·怀斯曼(Richard Wiseman)(1966--),爱丁堡大学心理学博士,现在是英国赫特福德大学教授、被称为“英国大众传播心理学的第一教授”。请问,他在从事学术研究之前,主要从事了什么工作? A: 销售员 B: 作家 C: 培训讲师 D: 魔术师

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    注:post hoc ergo propter hoc后事伴前事而来:大多数人都相信只要一件事物伴随著另一件事物而来,两件事物之间必然存在著一种关联,使得后者伴随前者出现(post hoc ergo propter hoc—它在那之后而来,故必然是从此而来)</p> According to our conversation with Richard Wiseman, how many people believe is psychics or mediums, and how many people have superstitious beliefs (e.g., touch wood, cross their fingers), respectively?</p> 根据我们与Richard Wiseman的对话,相信通灵师或巫师,或相信迷信想法(例如,搓木头,交叉手指)的人各自占比多少?</p>

    注:post hoc ergo propter hoc后事伴前事而来:大多数人都相信只要一件事物伴随著另一件事物而来,两件事物之间必然存在著一种关联,使得后者伴随前者出现(post hoc ergo propter hoc—它在那之后而来,故必然是从此而来)</p> According to our conversation with Richard Wiseman, how many people believe is psychics or mediums, and how many people have superstitious beliefs (e.g., touch wood, cross their fingers), respectively?</p> 根据我们与Richard Wiseman的对话,相信通灵师或巫师,或相信迷信想法(例如,搓木头,交叉手指)的人各自占比多少?</p>

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