You issued the following statement to monitor the usage of the index: SQL> ALTER INDEX SCOTT.EMP_IDX MONITORING USAGE; Which view will you query to ensure that the index is being monitored?() A: INDEX_STATS B: DBA_INDEXES C: DBA_IND_COLUMNS D: V$OBJECT_USAGE
You issued the following statement to monitor the usage of the index: SQL> ALTER INDEX SCOTT.EMP_IDX MONITORING USAGE; Which view will you query to ensure that the index is being monitored?() A: INDEX_STATS B: DBA_INDEXES C: DBA_IND_COLUMNS D: V$OBJECT_USAGE
假设使用了如下的DDL语句: A: ALTER INDEX sales.customers_id_idx MONITORING USAGE; B: 之后,需要查看以下哪一个数据字典视图以追踪sales用户下的customers_id_idx索引的使用情况A.DBA_INDEXES C: INDEX_STATS D: DBA_OBJECTS E: V$OBJECT_USAGE
假设使用了如下的DDL语句: A: ALTER INDEX sales.customers_id_idx MONITORING USAGE; B: 之后,需要查看以下哪一个数据字典视图以追踪sales用户下的customers_id_idx索引的使用情况A.DBA_INDEXES C: INDEX_STATS D: DBA_OBJECTS E: V$OBJECT_USAGE
The annual electricity usage of Australia is what percentage of the annual US electricity usage?
The annual electricity usage of Australia is what percentage of the annual US electricity usage?
How to interpret the sentence "The cat is behind of the car" in terms of dectic usage and non-deictic usage?
How to interpret the sentence "The cat is behind of the car" in terms of dectic usage and non-deictic usage? today's usage today's usage today's use today's use of A: as today's usage of B: in today's usage of C: as today's use of D: in today's use of today's usage today's usage today's use today's use of A: as today's usage of B: in today's usage of C: as today's use of D: in today's use of
API函数( )用于删除本地文件。 A: wx.saveFile(Object object) B: wx.removeSavedFile(Object object) C: wx.getSavedFileInfo(Object object) D: wx.getSavedFileList(Object object)
API函数( )用于删除本地文件。 A: wx.saveFile(Object object) B: wx.removeSavedFile(Object object) C: wx.getSavedFileInfo(Object object) D: wx.getSavedFileList(Object object)
隐藏loading 提示框的API函数是( )。 A: wx.hideLoading(Object object) B: wx.showLoading(Object object) C: wx.hideToast(Object object) D: wx.showModal(Object object)
隐藏loading 提示框的API函数是( )。 A: wx.hideLoading(Object object) B: wx.showLoading(Object object) C: wx.hideToast(Object object) D: wx.showModal(Object object)
显示loading 提示框的API函数是( ) A: wx.showModal(Object object) B: wx.showLoading(Object object) C: wx.hideToast(Object object) D: wx.hideLoading(Object object)
显示loading 提示框的API函数是( ) A: wx.showModal(Object object) B: wx.showLoading(Object object) C: wx.hideToast(Object object) D: wx.hideLoading(Object object)
隐藏消息提示框的API函数是( ) A: wx.showToast(Object object) B: wx.showModal(Object object) C: wx.showLoading(Object object) D: wx.hideToast(Object object)
隐藏消息提示框的API函数是( ) A: wx.showToast(Object object) B: wx.showModal(Object object) C: wx.showLoading(Object object) D: wx.hideToast(Object object)
API函数( )用于将文件保存到本地。 A: wx.saveFile(Object object) B: wx.getSavedFileList(Object object) C: wx.getSavedFileInfo(Object object) D: wx.removeSavedFile(Object object)
API函数( )用于将文件保存到本地。 A: wx.saveFile(Object object) B: wx.getSavedFileList(Object object) C: wx.getSavedFileInfo(Object object) D: wx.removeSavedFile(Object object)