• 2022-07-26 问题

    利润最大化(profit maximization)

    利润最大化(profit maximization)

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    The higher the unit price is, the more profit maximization can be realized.

    The higher the unit price is, the more profit maximization can be realized.

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    下面哪些是基于核的机器学习算法? A: Expectation Maximization B: Radial Basis Function C: Linear Discrimimate Analysis D: Support Vector Machine

    下面哪些是基于核的机器学习算法? A: Expectation Maximization B: Radial Basis Function C: Linear Discrimimate Analysis D: Support Vector Machine

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    某城镇企业制定了当期利润最大化这一定价目标,则它必须充分了解()。When a town enterprise has set the price target for the current profit maximization, it must fully understand ().

    某城镇企业制定了当期利润最大化这一定价目标,则它必须充分了解()。When a town enterprise has set the price target for the current profit maximization, it must fully understand ().

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following items is incorrect for supply chain management? A: Pursue the maximization of the interests of core enterprises B: Supply chain management links the independent information of each enterprise C: Enterprises in the supply chain become trading partners D: Establish cross enterprise cooperation in the supply chain

    Which of the following items is incorrect for supply chain management? A: Pursue the maximization of the interests of core enterprises B: Supply chain management links the independent information of each enterprise C: Enterprises in the supply chain become trading partners D: Establish cross enterprise cooperation in the supply chain

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    下面哪些是基于核的机器学习算法?( ) A: Expectation Maximization(EM)(最大期望算法) B: Support Vector Machine(SVM)(支持向量机) C: Linear Discrimimate Analysis(LDA)(主成分分析法) D: Radial Basis Function(RBF)(径向基核函数)

    下面哪些是基于核的机器学习算法?( ) A: Expectation Maximization(EM)(最大期望算法) B: Support Vector Machine(SVM)(支持向量机) C: Linear Discrimimate Analysis(LDA)(主成分分析法) D: Radial Basis Function(RBF)(径向基核函数)

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The "invisible hand" refers to A: the marketplace guiding the self-interests of market participants into promoting general economic well-being. B: the fact that social planners sometimes have to intervene, even in perfectly competitive markets, to make those markets more efficient. C: the equality that results from market forces allocating the goods produced in the market. D: the automatic maximization of consumer surplus in free markets.

    The "invisible hand" refers to A: the marketplace guiding the self-interests of market participants into promoting general economic well-being. B: the fact that social planners sometimes have to intervene, even in perfectly competitive markets, to make those markets more efficient. C: the equality that results from market forces allocating the goods produced in the market. D: the automatic maximization of consumer surplus in free markets.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    企业实施客户关系管理的最终目的是( )。 The ultimate goal of enterprise implementation of customer relationship management is ( ). A: 把握客户的消费动态Grasp the customer's consumption dynamics B: 针对客户的个性化特征提供个性化服务,极大化客户的价值Personalized service for customers, maximization of customer value C: 做好客户服务工作Good customer service D: 尽可能多的收集客户信息Gather as many customer information as you can

    企业实施客户关系管理的最终目的是( )。 The ultimate goal of enterprise implementation of customer relationship management is ( ). A: 把握客户的消费动态Grasp the customer's consumption dynamics B: 针对客户的个性化特征提供个性化服务,极大化客户的价值Personalized service for customers, maximization of customer value C: 做好客户服务工作Good customer service D: 尽可能多的收集客户信息Gather as many customer information as you can

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