• 2022-05-29
    将下列短文翻译成中文。We're looking for a Senior Marketing Coordinator who'll be responsible for creating and delivering marketing ideas and activities. Ideal candidates will have experience in conception, creating marketing materials, managing multiple projects, product development, product management, and design.Primary responsibilities- Create, deliver, edit, and optimize marketing materials.- Understand and implement brand guidelines.- Ensure that messages are supportive of and consistent with marketing strategies.- Support Product Manager in daily brand management.- Coordinate with sales teams and deliver relevant materials in a timely fashion.- Create brochures and sell sheets.- Align social media initiatives with brand strategy, initiatives, and launches.-Coordinate flow of information and communication and disseminate it according to plan/strategy.- Work with manager and business units to determine event budget and manage expenses to that budget.- Identify, develop and execute communications strategy for key media contacts and customer references.- Research media coverage and industry trends. Improve communication efficiencies within the company.- Manage video content.- Create and distribute customer surveys.
  • 我们招聘一名高级市场营销助理,负责营销理念的创建和传播以及营销活动的创意和实施。理想的候选人需具备构思和完成营销材料、管理不同项目、产品开发、产品管理和设计的经验。主要职责:- 创建、交付、编辑和优化营销材料。- 了解并实施品牌指南。- 确保传播资讯支持并符合营销策略。- 协助产品经理进行日常品牌管理。- 与销售团队协调并及时交付相关材料。- 编创小册子和销售宣传材料。- 使社交媒体宣传符合(公司)品牌战略以及相关的举措和发布。- 协调信息的流通和沟通,并根据计划/战略进行宣传。- 与经理和业务部门合作确定活动预算,同时管理该预算的支出。- 定位、开发和执行相关沟通战略,从而有效地与关键媒体沟通,以及得到客户积极反馈。- 对媒体报道和本行业发展趋势进行研究。提高公司内部的沟通效率。- 管理视频内容。- 创建和分发客户调查。


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      What are Xiaomi's marketing strategies? ( ) A: Network marketing strategies B: Hunger marketing strategy C: Word-of-mouth marketing strategy D: Release new products with high profile and low price strategy

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      ​The marketing strategy section of a business plan,mainly elaborates on products, prices, promotion, and distribution strategies, and builds an overall marketing strategy and a general policy for products or services. ‎​‎

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      ( ) is the most common way of organizing marketing function. A: Organziation by funcition B: Organizatipon by product C: Organization by brand D: Organization by management

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      What can reflect the comprehensive ability of an entrepreneurial company? A: Financial management B: Marketing C: Human resource management D: Product design and development

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      What does the acronym MIS stand for? A: Management Information System B: Management Improvement Strategy C: Manufacturing Innovation Strategy D: Marketing Information System