• 2021-04-14
    One-thirds of the words in “Of Studies” are one-syllable words.
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      Which of the followings are one-syllable words?

    • 1

      The other one fifth is made up partly of borrowed words and partly of three other kinds of words: words from the names of peoples and places; imitative words; and invented words. A: root B: similar C: original D: reproducing closely

    • 2

      Simple words refer to words that contain one or more free forms.

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      ‏Which of these is NOT one of the words Blanche uses to describe Stanley?‎‏‎‏‎ A: common B: ape-like C: sub-human D: She uses all these words.

    • 4

      Which of these is NOT one of the words Blanche uses to describe Stanley? A: common B: ape-like C: sub-human D: She uses all these words.