• 2022-06-01
    clinical feature of the sequelae stage of vitamin D deficiency
    rickets is ()
    A: Skeleton
    B: Abnormal
    epiphyseal of long bone
    C: Serum
    calcium and phosphorus decrease
    D: Alkaline
    phosphatase decrease
    E: Irritability,
  • A


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      Which is not characters of Rickets? (<br/>) A: Growth failure B: Tetany and convulsions C: Bone deformity D: Skin xeransis

    • 1

      For<br/>a given fuel, a change in the compression ratio will affect the<br/>ignition lag by which of the listed means? ____. A: an<br/>increase in compression ratio will increase the ignition lag B: in<br/>increase in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag C: a<br/>decrease in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lag D: a<br/>decrease in ignition lag will increase the compression ratio

    • 2

      which is the most importance Prevention of vitamin K deficiency<br/>bleeding ()() A: oral<br/>vitamin K B: Fresh<br/>frozen plasma C: intramuscular<br/>vitamin K after birth D: prothrombin<br/>complex concentrates

    • 3

      Higher<br/>government deficits ________ the supply of bonds and shift the supply<br/>curve to the <br/>________,<br/>everything else held constant. A: increase; left B: increase; right C: decrease; left D: decrease; right

    • 4

      Dead space like ventilation refer to () A: decrease<br/>of partial alveolar ventilation B: increase<br/>of partial alveolar VA/Q C: increase<br/>of partial alveolar ventilation D: decrease<br/>of partial alveolar VA/Q E: increase<br/>of anatomic shunt