• 2021-04-14
    原文:目前正在发生的一些事情,使他们感到希望渺茫,前途暗淡。译文:There are events_______at this time _______ dim their hopes and lessen the prospects.
  • taking place  which


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      Something unexpected has happened which prevents me from keeping my promise. A: 一些不希望的事情的发生使我不能兑现我的誓言。 B: 一些让我不能遵守诺言的事不希望地发生了。 C: 一些出乎意料的事情的发生使我不能守约。 D: 阻止我免于遵守诺言一些不希望发生的事情还是发生了。

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      判断译文是否正确 原文:However, many of those plans are causing anxiety or are actively opposed by some leading US companies which see their growth prospects as closely tied to China, the second-largest economy in the world. 译文:然而,许多此类计划正在引发焦虑,或者遭到了美国一些领先企业的强烈反对,这些企业认为自身的增长前景与全球第二大经济体中国密切相关。

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      判断译文是否正确 原文:However, many of those plans are causing anxiety or are actively opposed by some leading US companies which see their growth prospects as closely tied to China, the second-largest economy in the world. 译文:然而,许多此类计划正在引发焦虑,或者遭到了美国一些领先企业的强烈反对,这些企业认为自身的增长前景与全球第二大经济体中国密切相关。

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      原文:他们是电器商品的主要出口商。译文:They are ____exports of electric goods.

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      判断译文是否正确,其中第一句为原文,第二句为译文: One believe things because one has been conditioned to believe them. 人们之所以会相信一些事情,完全是情势所然。