将Little fish does not eat big fish.翻译成:小鱼吃不了大鱼。请问该译文采用的翻译策略是?
A: 归化
B: 异化
A: 归化
B: 异化
- 将Little fish does not eat big fish.翻译成:胳膊拧不过大腿。请问该译文采用的翻译策略是? A: 归化 B: 异化
- 将You can't make the omelet without breaking eggs.翻译成:不打破鸡蛋,就做不成蛋卷。请问该译文采用的翻译策略是? A: 归化 B: 异化
- Mary is not interested in living in big competitive cities. She would rather be ____. A. a little fish in a big pond B. a little fish in a small pond C. a big fish in a big pond D. a big fish in a small pond
- 翻译策略——异化与归化异化以______ 或者______ 为归宿。归化以______ 或者______ 为归宿。
- Onthe whole, I don’t care for fish. A: I have to take care of the fish. B: It's hard to eat a whole fish. C: I don't like fish very much D: I got a fish from the hole