• 2022-05-28
    The multi-dimensional role of the professional accountant in a mid-sized business includes generating value through managing risk and measuring performance.
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      Foreign exchange risk mainly includes ( ) A: transaction risk B: translation risk C: economic risk D: interest rate risk

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      The credit status of a company includes its capability and credibility of performance.

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      In measuring the performance of a divisionmanager, stockholders' equity should not be used as the amount of investedcapital.

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      “注册会计师现在享有和医生或律师一样的职业地位。” A: Certified public accountant now enjoy status similar to doctors or lawyers. B: Certified public accountant now enjoy professional status similar to doctors or lawyers. C: Accountant now enjoy professional status similar to doctors or lawyers.

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      In measuring income,either the net book value or the gross book value can be used.