• 2021-04-14
    Double Knee(连续两次抬腿),Three Knee(连续三次抬腿),L Step(L字交替抬腿),Kick都是Knee Up的动作延伸
  • 内容

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      中国大学MOOC: We say “There goes my knee” for “There goes the pain in my knee”. It is a(n)_________.

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      中国大学MOOC: “仰卧交替抬腿”动作,锻炼的主要是( )。

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      The knee is near to the body trunk compared with feet, so the knee is ___________ to feet. A: distal B: superficial C: deep D: proximal

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      踏板健美操中次数变化是使用Knee Up的重要手段